The Cheddar Man Scam: Indigenous Western European Hunter-Gatherers were not “Black”
An in-depth but layman-friendly analysis of a complex and controversial topic
The bogus claim that Western Hunter-Gatherers (also known as West European Hunter-Gatherers or ‘WHG’) were “black” comes in two flavors:
“WHG were Black” (racially Sub-Saharan African).
“WHG were black” (had very dark skin pigmentation).
This article debunks both claims but focuses on the latter.
1. Introduction
2. What is a Western Hunter-Gatherer?
— 2.1. WHG origins
— 2.2. Were WHG “Black”?
— 2.3. Summary
3. Pigmentation genetics 101
— 3.1. “Black” skin alleles
— 3.2. “White” skin alleles
— 3.3. Summary
4. An accurate estimation of WHG skin tone
5. The HIrisPlex Hoax
— 5.1. How HIrisPlex-S works
— 5.2. Why HIrisPlex-S is useless
— 5.3. Summary
6. Cheddar Man study: Results analysis
7. Scientific study or propaganda campaign?
8. Sources
— 8.1. Scientific
— 8.2. Non-scientific
1. Introduction
The Cheddar Man scam exemplifies the political corruption of modern academia. It perfectly demonstrates how academics collude with government and media to create propaganda narratives by manipulating science and history. The mainstream media are by far the worst culprits. They run scientific studies through a filter of “woke” babble, often distorting them beyond recognition.* However, academics themselves frequently obfuscate the results of their own studies by wrapping them up in obtuse, “politically correct” language. Some studies could easily be mistaken for a Huffington Post article. In the case of Cheddar Man, the academics involved did not merely use politically correct language to obscure their findings. They overtly lied to the public and manipulated data, in a clear-cut case of what can only be described as scientific misconduct or academic fraud.
* This study confirmed everything that we already knew about Viking Age Nordic peoples. Here’s how the mainstream media reported on it:
2. What is a Western Hunter-Gatherer?
2.1. WHG origins
WHG were the indigenous inhabitants of Western Europe during the Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age. Their precise origin is a mystery but they were present in Italy 17,000 years ago (Bortolini 2021) and likely descended from Paleolithic Europeans who weathered the Ice Age in Southeastern Europe (Lazaridis 2018).
As per the Out of Africa Theory, WHG descended from a “non-African” Eurasian lineage that migrated from Africa into the Middle East around 70,000 years ago. This lineage had diverged into East Eurasians (East Asians) and West Eurasians (Caucasians) by around 50,000 years ago, with each lineage becoming progressively more distinct over time, as they dispersed around the world and adapted to their respective environments.
A heavily simplified model of the theorized Out of Africa expansion:
2.2. Were WHG “Black”?
The claim that WHG were “Black,” meaning racially Sub-Saharan African, is a deceitful conflation of skin tone with race. Pigmentation is merely one of many characteristics that define an individual’s race. Others include variations in height, hairiness, hair texture, eye color, hair color, musculature, and skeletal dimensions, particularly skull shape. The individuals below have near-identical “white” skin tones, but their races are immediately obvious.
Black people (aka Sub-Saharan Africans) look like this:
And Western Hunter-Gatherers looked like this:
Disregarding the vaguely similar skin pigmentation, Africans and WHG are clearly physically distinct. WHG had stereotypical West Eurasian (or “Caucasoid”) facial features: Thin lips, high nose bridges, high cheekbones, strong brow ridges, straight hair, blue eyes, a lack of prognathism, and so on.
Judging by the above reconstruction, La Braña Man may have looked similar to this guy, but with darker skin:
Genetic analysis has consistently proven that Northern Europeans are the closest living relatives of WHG, especially Northeast Europeans, like these Finnic Karelians:
Admixture analyses — which can be used to calculate proportions of ancestry inherited from ancient populations — demonstrate that WHG ancestry is almost nonexistent in non-European populations.
Principal component analyses (PCAs) show the genetic similarity between populations and individuals. Each dot represents one individual. The closer the dots, the more genetically similar they are. The PCAs below emphasize just how genetically distinct WHG are from Sub-Saharan Africans and how closely related they are to modern Europeans.
2.3. Summary
Race is not defined by skin color alone but by a variety of physical and behavioral characteristics.
WHG most likely descended from Paleolithic Europeans or a closely related West Eurasian population.
Their closest living relatives are modern Europeans.
They had stereotypically European facial features and looked nothing like Sub-Saharan Africans.
They were as genetically distinct from Africans as modern Europeans are, if not more so.
So, WHG were unequivocally not “Black” (racially Sub-Saharan African) but were they “black” (very dark-skinned)? Short answer: No. There is a zero percent chance that WHG had “black” skin. To understand why this is the case, you need to know a few basic facts about pigmentation genetics and the history of pigmentation evolution, which is less confusing than it sounds.
3. Pigmentation genetics 101
Skin pigmentation is one of the most rapidly evolving traits in humans (Martin 2017). However, it is highly complex and not yet fully understood. Over 350 pigmentation genes have been identified in animals, but only a small subset of around 15 have been linked to human pigmentation (Crawford 2018).
Variations in skin pigmentation correlate with environment and latitude and are widely accepted to be an evolutionary response to UV exposure. Lighter skin evolves in darker climates to assist with vitamin D absorption, while darker skin evolves in lighter climates to protect from harmful UV rays.
Studies have found that dark-skinned immigrants in Northern Europe experience severe vitamin D deficiency, with some ethnicities suffering rates of over 50%, even during the summer. However, East Asian populations native to the polar regions (e.g. Inuits) healthily maintain a tanned complexion, which may be due to their vitamin-D-rich diets (Deng 2017).
Scandinavian vs Inuit pigmentation:
Human skin pigmentation is a polygenetic trait, defined by multiple interacting genes, each of which incrementally lightens or darkens an individual’s pigmentation towards or away from the lightest and darkest skin tones (“white” and “black,” respectively). This is why mixed-race people usually have skin pigmentation between that of both parents.
Think of human pigmentation as a slider with “white” at one end and “black” at the other. The more “dark skin” alleles (gene variants) you add, the more it slides towards “black” and vice versa. However, studies have found that both the “whitest” and “blackest” skin tones are caused by specific alleles. They shift an individual’s pigmentation from tanned to white or dark brown to black.
3.1. “Black” skin alleles
In 2017, a groundbreaking study discovered the only two mutations known to explicitly cause “black” or very dark skin pigmentation. They are related to the MFSD12 gene and are found exclusively among Sub-Saharan Africans and Australo-Melanesians (including Negritos, Melanesians, Aboriginal Australians, and some South Asians).
These “black” skin alleles have never been found in any ancient European population. This can only mean one of two things:
That lazy geneticists have not yet tested for these alleles (which seems very unlikely).
That their tests came back negative and they are now withholding this information because it debunks their political narratives.
Either way, this fact alone disproves the myth that WHG had “black” skin.
3.2. “White” skin alleles
“White” skin is caused by variants of the SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 genes. They modify pigmentation by around 30%, meaning that someone without these alleles can still be 70% lighter than “black” or 30% darker than “white,” depending on their other genes.
Contrary to the claims of political propagandists, light skin variants of SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 were present in Europe during the Mesolithic (perhaps even earlier) among Eastern European and Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherers. WHG did not have these alleles, indicating that they originated in the East and spread West via human migration and ethnic intermixing.
Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherer facial reconstruction (source):
Geneticists originally claimed that WHG were “black” simply because they lacked these two “white” skin alleles, which is incredibly dishonest.
Firstly, these gene variants are only found at high levels among Europeans today. So, by this logic, all other contemporary humans should have “black” skin, which is clearly not the case.
As you can see on the maps below, 1 in 8 Orcadians lack the “white” skin allele for SLC24A5, and some even lack the “white” skin allele for SLC45A2, just like WHG. What do you think Orcadians look like?
Correct! They are black-skinned Sub-Saharan Africans. You must be a professional geneticist.
Note also that some African populations, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have moderate rates of the “white” skin allele for SLC24A5. By geneticist logic, they should be as white as snow.
Secondly, light skin pigmentation has been evolving for tens of thousands of years; we did not turn from black to white overnight. Ancient Europeans experienced multiple waves of depigmentation (known as “selective sweeps”) long before the Mesolithic — a fact that was established long before geneticists began to claim that WHG were “black.”
Many light skin genes are shared by Europeans and East Asians alike, meaning that they evolved over 50,000 years ago before the Eurasian population had diverged into distinct racial groups. This includes mutations related to the KITLG, BNC2, and ASIP genes. The mutation in KITLG alone is responsible for lightening pigmentation by around 20% and is also linked to cold adaptation.
3.3. Summary
Skin pigmentation is a polygenetic trait.
Human skin color is the result of many genes collectively lightening or darkening an individual’s pigmentation towards or away from the lightest and darkest skin tones (“white” and “black”).
The only gene variants that are known to cause “black” skin (MFSD12) have never been found in WHG or any other ancient European.
Ancient Europeans had already evolved multiple skin-lightening genes long before the Mesolithic, some of which date back tens of thousands of years. So, even if WHG did have the “black” skin MFSD12 variants, they would not have had “black” skin.
Modern “white” skin was common among Mesolithic Europeans from Scandinavia and Eastern Europe (but not Western Europe).
Lacking “white” skin alleles (SLC24A5 and SLC45A2) does not make an individual “black,” because these genes only modify pigmentation by around 30%.
Fun fact: A specific mutation in the IRF4 gene, common among WHG, causes lighter skin, sun sensitivity, freckling, blue eyes, and dark hair. Today, it is commonly found among the palest Europeans, who often have black hair and freckles (see: British people).
4. An accurate estimation of WHG skin tone
Based on the evidence laid out so far, it is impossible to conclude that WHG were “black” (very dark-skinned). They may have had an intermediate, olive, or tanned skin tone, similar to that of modern-day Inuits or Mediterranean Europeans during the peak of summer.
The darkest WHG skin tones may have been similar to those of modern Gulf Arabs or Native Americans but it’s extremely unlikely that they were any darker than that.
This Loschbour Man reconstruction is probably pretty accurate in terms of skin pigmentation:
5. The HIrisPlex Hoax
All of the above information should be common knowledge for scientists dealing with skin pigmentation, so why do they propagate the myth that Mesolithic Europeans were “black”? Leaving aside their nefarious political machinations, for now, there is one more vital piece to this puzzle.
The Cheddar Man study used a pigmentation prediction model that was created by the study’s authors: HIrisPlex-S. It is the most commonly used pigmentation prediction model in archaeogenetics today and is largely responsible for scientists mistakenly believing that WHG had dark skin.
5.1. How HIrisPlex-S works
Pigmentation prediction models are “trained” via machine learning using modern ‘source’ populations. Scientists sample a range of people, study common gene mutations and combinations, and match them to a set number of pigmentation categories.
HIrisPlex-S works by comparing 36 mutations (known as ‘SNPs’ or single nucleotide polymorphisms) from a sample (e.g. Cheddar Man) to the source data that the software was trained with (modern human populations). It then assigns the sample a probability for each pigmentation category.
The original HIrisPlex-S software release provided visual representations and proof-of-concept images:
It also provided pigmentation data on various modern populations, showing that “intermediate” complexions are common among Europeans and East Asians.
5.2. Why HIrisPlex-S is near-useless
HIrisPlex-S has been lambasted as a failure by other geneticists, who have pointed out its many technical faults, some of which are too complex for this article. Fortunately, it’s main flaws are easy to understand, even for laymen.
To this day, HIrisPlex-S does not feature the only alleles known to cause “black” skin in humans: The aforementioned MFSD12 variants, which were discovered before the model was created. This flaw was highlighted by a 2019 study on Brazilian pigmentation, which also found that HIrisPlex-S has a disgracefully bad “accuracy rate of 19.16% for combined prediction of eye, hair and skin pigmentation.” So, when taking every form of pigmentation into account, the model fails ~80% of the time.
Data from the original HIrisPlex-S release listed the ‘sensitivity’ of the “intermediate” pigmentation category as 26%, meaning that 74% of people with “intermediate” skin are inaccurately assigned to either the “white” or “black” categories. This catastrophic failure was demonstrated by HIrisPlex-S data published in 2018 via Forensic Science International, which predicted that ~50% of Uyghurs, Oroqens, and various Southern Chinese populations have “dark-to-black” skin pigmentation.
Do these people look “black” to you?
5.3. Summary
HIrisPlex-S was created by scientists of the Cheddar Man team.
It is the most used pigmentation prediction tool in archaeogenetics today.
According to HIrisPlex-S data, “intermediate” skin is among the most common in modern Europeans.
HIrisPlex-S cannot truly detect “black” pigmentation, as it does not feature the MFSD12 “black” skin alleles.
A 2019 study found that HIrisPlex-S has a failure rate of 80.84% for combined predictions of skin, hair, and eye color.
HIrisPlex-S inaccurately assigns 74% of people with “intermediate” skin to either the “white” or “black” categories.
This was demonstrated by a 2018 study, which predicted many intermediate-skinned populations of China as ~50% “dark-to-black.”
HIrisPlex-S can’t even predict modern pigmentation correctly, let alone ancient pigmentation.
6. Cheddar Man study: Results analysis
Detailed information on Cheddar Man’s pigmentation prediction can be found in the Supplementary Materials section of the Cheddar Man study, alongside pigmentation predictions for La Braña Man and Loschbour Man.
Cheddar Man was missing three of the 36 SNPs required to make HIrisPlex-S function correctly and two more were of ‘low coverage,’ containing only half of the required genetic data. The authors offered two different predictions, replacing the missing and low coverage SNPs with “dark skin” variants and “light skin” variants. For some reason, the “dark skin” alleles give Cheddar man a higher probability of “intermediate” pigmentation (15% vs 4%), signifying the model’s dysfunctionality. To make matters worse, when the missing alleles were completely omitted, Cheddar Man had a ~75% chance of “intermediate” pigmentation and ~25% chance of “dark-to-black.”
The authors concluded that:
“it is acceptable to propose a dark complexion individual over an intermediate/light prediction even though the intermediate range is present. It is unlikely that [Cheddar Man] has the darkest possible pigmentation but it cannot be ruled out.”
Lying is acceptable? According to whom? Cheddar man was consistently predicted to have a 0% probability for the “dark” category, but the authors claimed that he likely had “dark or dark-to-black” pigmentation, with the caveat that “dark-to-black” was “unlikely.” So, their “results” for Cheddar Man’s pigmentation are entirely fabricated. They repeated these brazen lies in multiple press releases, which is a form of scientific misconduct:
“The results indicated that Cheddar Man’s skin pigmentation was most likely in one of the two most highly-pigmented of five categories (‘dark’ or ‘dark to black’), and definitely not in the lightest categories.”
— via Natural History Museum
15% probability? Definitely not. 0% probability? Most likely!
La Braña Man, who also had some low coverage and missing SNPs, was predicted “dark” or “dark-to-black.” However, Loschbour Man, who had all SNPs and good coverage, was assigned “intermediate” skin with 90% certainty. The authors concluded, verbatim, that Loschbour man was “a light skinned (white) individual [with] tanning ability, so could be perceived as darker than white (pale) in the summer months.”
Is it feasible that some WHG had “white” skin that was literally within the range of modern Europeans, while others were as dark as Sub-Saharan Africans? Even though all WHG were genetically near-identical and belonged to the same racially homogeneous population? Even though they had many other skin-lightening genes, some of which date back tens of thousands of years? No, of course it isn’t.
We know that HIrisPlex-S inaccurately assigns 74% of people with “intermediate” skin, so it’s statistically probable that at least one of the three WHG would be correctly assigned to the “intermediate” category. However, since WHG lacked “white” skin alleles, it’s extremely unlikely that those who are incorrectly assigned would be placed in the “white” categories over the “black” categories. This is supported by the 2018 study mentioned earlier: None of the East Asian populations (who also lack SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 alleles for light skin) were incorrectly assigned to the “white” categories but ~50% were mistakenly identified as “black.”
7. Scientific study or propaganda campaign?
We are left with one final question: Are scientists incompetent or malevolent? The answer may astound you! (It’s both).
The Cheddar Man study was conducted by University College London (UCL) in support of a Natural History Museum exhibition (featuring the infamous facial reconstruction) and a British television documentary produced by Channel 4: The First Brit: Secrets of the 10,000 Year Old Man. Their political agenda is laid bare by the title alone: “The First Britons were Black!”
“Nothing like this had ever previously been done before.”
The Cheddar Man team released the results of their study via a slew of lies and half-truths published in the British mainstream media, culminating in the above documentary. Their lies were impossible to debunk because they strategically released their study (which contained the actual data) after the propaganda documentary had been aired.
Furthermore, as reported by the New York Times, their study was not peer-reviewed before the museum exhibition and documentary were produced, meaning that its findings had not been verified by an independent academic third party. It almost seems like they had something to hide…
The reason for the team’s shady behavior is obvious: This entire project — documentary and all — was not designed to advance our understanding of European history, but to construct a false scientific and historical narrative that supports the current regime’s political agendas.
One year before the Cheddar Man study was published, one of its authors, Tom Booth, wrote a lengthy essay (intended for academics’ eyes only) claiming that archaeologists and geneticists must “promote the inherent diversity of past populations” to combat “neo-Nazi ideas of northern European ‘whiteness’, nationalist narratives, [and] white supremacy.”
This is where we are in modern politics: Merely acknowledging the existence of Europeans (or ‘White people’) makes you a “Neo-Nazi white supremacist Hitler fascist” in the eyes of the institutional elite, which is akin to being labeled a Devil Worshipper for opposing the Church during the Middle Ages.
Below: Booth contests that Europeans are indigenous to Europe.
Tom Booth is but one example of the radical, Far-Left activists who pollute Western academia. Evidence indicates that his ideals are shared by the majority of the Cheddar Man team. Although they were more tactful when reporting the “results” of their study, their ulterior motives remained transparent:
UCL claimed via their website that it is “[inaccurate to assume that] Northern European means white-skinned” and that “light pigmentation in Europe is a recent phenomenon.” Apparently, the Mesolithic is “recent.”
In the Channel 4 documentary, study author Yoan Diekmann claimed that “people feel [that] British should have white skin, [but it’s] not an immutable truth […] it will change,” which sounded more like a thinly veiled threat. Why would Northern European pigmentation suddenly darken if it is an evolutionary adaptation to life at that latitude?
The Natural History Museum website states that “Cheddar Man subverts people’s expectations of what kinds of genetic traits go together” because he had “genetic markers of skin pigmentation usually associated with sub-Saharan Africa” — by which they mean he lacked the “white” skin SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 alleles, not that he had the “black” skin MFSD12 alleles (which they didn’t even check for).
The Natural History Museum also claimed that Cheddar Man was “indicative of the population of Europe at the time, [which] had dark skin.” Yet another lie; Scandinavian and Eastern European Hunter-Gatherers were almost as fair-skinned as the average modern European.
Tom Booth, speaking on behalf of the Natural History Museum in the Guardian, claimed that “these imaginary racial categories that we have are really very modern constructions, or very recent constructions, that really are not applicable to the past at all.”
All in all, they were as subtle as a sledgehammer, but the mainstream media’s second-hand reporting was even worse, epitomized by the comically clichéd propaganda in this National Geographic article:
The first Europeans weren’t who you might think: […] Europe is a melting pot of bloodlines from Africa, the Middle East, and today's Russia. […] The idea that there were once “pure” populations of ancestral Europeans […] has inspired ideologues since well before the Nazis. It has long nourished white racism, and in recent years it has stoked fears about the impact of immigrants […] Now scientists are delivering new answers to the question of who Europeans really are and where they came from.
Blah, blah, blah, Nazis, fascism, Hitler. White people do not exist but are somehow responsible for all of the world’s problems. We get it.
To their credit, a tiny handful of media companies issued corrections after the actual study was released, as did one of the study’s authors, Susan Walsh. But it was too little, too late. The “original Europeans” were already “Black Africans” in the mind of the public, which is precisely why UCL released their “results” via media statements instead of releasing the study itself.
The establishment only cares about European history insofar as they can distort and manipulate it to advance their current political agendas. In this case, they aimed to build a pseudoscientific narrative to justify the ethnic displacement of native Europeans by Third World immigrants, a process that the international ruling elite have dubbed ‘Replacement Migration.’
The proof is in the pudding: After their Cheddar Man documentary was released, Channel 4 interviewed the stereotypical anti-White activist Afua Hirsch to ask her opinion on their stereotypical anti-White propaganda. Shockingly, her response was stereotypically anti-White:
“We are an immigrant nation [...] the idea that there’s this indigenous British person who is white... is a fiction.”
Sorry, Whitey, but you aren’t indigenous to anywhere. No homelands for you.

In 2021, the BBC (Britains state propaganda organization, akin to Russia Today) released a children’s “documentary” on “Black History,” which claimed that:
“archaeologists have worked out the appearance of one of the earliest known Britons, he’s called Cheddar Man [...] and they reckon he looked like this with dark hair and dark skin, so I guess you could say, [Black people] have been here from the start!”
Note: The documentary can be viewed from outside the UK via a VPN.
The show concluded with a musical performed by Black actors dressed as WHG, Roman legionaries, and other historical figures:
“please open your ears for this news I shall impart, you may not have been told we have been here from the start [...] we rocked in the stone age [...] before these isles were British, Black people played their part”
The entire documentary was riddled with easily falsifiable lies. For example, it claimed that Septimius Severus, a Roman Emperor of mixed Italian and Phoenician descent, was a Black African. This claim is particularly ridiculous, as Severus was openly racist towards Black people. According to the Historia Augusta (22.4-7, 4th C. AD), when Severus encountered a Black Ethiopian soldier in Britain, he flew into “a rage” and “ordered that the man be removed from his sight” because he was “troubled [...] by the man’s ominous color.” He also refused to perform a ritual sacrifice because the victims were Black. Maybe this historical revisionism is an in-joke among academics? “Hmm, racist, are you? Well, now you’re a Black African! Take that, you silly old Roman bigot!” Severus’ bust (below right) displays obvious West Eurasian features and could easily be mistaken for a modern Italian.
Propaganda from Sweden and Ireland have also used Black Sub-Saharan African actors to portray Western Hunter-Gatherers:
The Cheddar Man documentary marks an interesting shift in regime propaganda; the common claim that “Non-White immigrants are the ‘New Europeans’” has been supplanted by the myth that “Non-White immigrants are the real Europeans.”
“Nothing to worry about, just a few Cheddar Men returning home to Europe.”
It’s all so tiresome.
8. Sources
Sources featured in this article are listed below. Sources used while researching this article have been omitted.
8.1. Scientific
Population genomics of the Viking world Alpine occupation backdates westward human migration in Late Glacial Europe DNA from the Caucasus reveals core of West Eurasian ancestry Statistical Skull Morphotypes: New Exemplars for Ancestry and Sex Estimation in Forensic Anthropology morphometric analysis of prognathism and evaluation of the gnathic index in modern humans and demography and descendants of Iron Age nomads of the Eurasian Steppe evidence for an origin of the Armenians from Bronze Age mixing of multiple populations Unexpectedly Complex Architecture for Skin Pigmentation in Africans associated with skin pigmentation identified in African populations'Alarmingly high' vitamin D deficiency in the United Kingdom of human skin color in various populations Genomic History of Southeastern Europe (Supplementary Information) Hunter-Gatherer facial reconstruction Positive Selection on the Pleiotropic Effects of KITLG Explain Skin Pigmentation and Winter Temperature Adaptation in Eurasians regulatory factor 4 gene, DermNet NZ Loschbour Man - anthopological analysis (facial reconstruction) Genomes Indicate Population Replacement in Early Neolithic Britain skin colour prediction from DNA of the HIrisPlex-S system in a Brazilian population sample HIrisPlex-S system for eye, hair and skin colour prediction from DNA: Introduction and forensic developmental validation
8.2. Non-scientific
New York Times - ‘Cheddar Man,’ Britain’s Oldest Skeleton, Had Dark Skin, DNA Shows Booth via the Institute of Archaeology - Response to ‘Brexit, Archaeology and Heritage: Reflections and Agendas’ Booth Tweets on “indigenous” peoples Online - definition of “indigenous” Face of first Brit revealed University- Cheddar Man: Why we’ve gone crackers about race History Museum - Cheddar Man: Mesolithic Britain's blue-eyed boy Guardian - First modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin, Cheddar Man DNA analysis reveals Geographic - The first Europeans weren’t who you might think Nations Population Division - Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations? 4 Twitter: Afua Hirsch interview - Horrible Histories: Black British History - Here From The Start: Black British History Song Augusta*.html
Hi Mr Walker,
- Can you do an article addressing Lefty claims that the term ''White'' was only invented recently and certain ethnicities weren't classed as it such as Italians whereas Chinese allegedly were???
- Also, can you address how these idiots claim Europe was actually diverse in the past like Rome allegedly being around 30% non-White according to the filthy creature called Shaun?
They use this to take great empires from us such as the Roman & now they're going after Swedes since the release of the Northman movie ... relax Libs Skarsgard is still one of you.
Simply saying Whites exist & have a place to call home is essentially being a moloch worshipper in modern ''atheistic'' society...
Great article! Keep up the Amazing work!