Hi Mr Walker,

- Can you do an article addressing Lefty claims that the term ''White'' was only invented recently and certain ethnicities weren't classed as it such as Italians whereas Chinese allegedly were???

- Also, can you address how these idiots claim Europe was actually diverse in the past like Rome allegedly being around 30% non-White according to the filthy creature called Shaun?

They use this to take great empires from us such as the Roman & now they're going after Swedes since the release of the Northman movie ... relax Libs Skarsgard is still one of you.

Simply saying Whites exist & have a place to call home is essentially being a moloch worshipper in modern ''atheistic'' society...

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Great article! Keep up the Amazing work!

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I saw your other Substack article posted on Gab or somewhere, came here and subscribed. I don't know where you came from all of a sudden, but your work is outstanding! I looked for a way to become a paid subscriber and see you only have free subscriptions. Well this article is also obviously well-researched and thoroughly documented. I look forward to more of your articles. Thank you for starting your Substack.

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Thanks for the kind words

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Hi Tom,

Can you check out this vid from VertigoPolitix on Cheddar Man. It's on Odysee.


Is his info right - did he catch anything you didn't perhaps know or haven't written down somewhere???

Also, are you saying that East Asians were also significantly more tanned (possibly as tanned as WHG) prior to experiencing ''selective sweeps'' which lightened them like us???

If so then I wonder why lefties haven't done the whole ''the OG Japanese were Black'' shtick to them...

Lastly, thanks so much for what you do.

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This is an outstanding article that lays down the facts clearly a thoroughly.

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Just get hold of an original site report ( as I did). If they are still available that is. The skulls, bones etc were dug up in the early 1900s and just piled up in heaps. There are very clear photos in the booklets showing utter chaos.

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Why have you taken two unrelated quotes from Tom Booth’s paper and stitched them together to create a fabrication? Why, in a piece about combatting propaganda, are you yourself spinning lies?

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Is this all you have to say about such lengthy article? how are the quotes a fabrication?

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